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Starting from the XXVI cycle the Doctoral Schools of the University of Turin have been reorganized. The Doctoral School in Law ceased on the 31st December 2010. The courses related to it have been merged into two new PhD programs: Law, the Individual and the Market; Law and Institutions.

From 2011 to 2018, the PhD in Law and Institutions, was assigned to the Doctoral School in Human and Social Sciences.

Since 2018, the PhD in Law and Institutions, currently coordinated by Professor Gabriella M. Racca, is incorporated in the Doctoral School established by the Rectoral Decree no. 3411 of 30/08/2018.

The School is aimed at promoting and implementing the strategic choices involving the PhD, as defined by the governing bodies of the University. The School promotes, coordinates and implements the educational, cultural and interdisciplinary activities, respecting the specificity of the different PhD courses. These activities are a fundamental and integrative part of the University's third level educational offer. The School guarantees the quality of PhD Courses through the implementation of internal evaluation as defined by the governing bodies of the University.

The Ph.D in Law and Institutions ("Diritti e Istituzioni"), is centered not only on an academic training. It rather aims - by providing a specific and continuous preparation - at creating a solid bridge between the academic world and the professional one. This goal, in fact, reflects the assumption that Law is a social science, and as such, aside from a theoretical training, one should address both its historical and positivistic perspectives, by further entailing quantitative studies such as those found in sociology. Because of this approach, the composition of the scientific board reflects the above interdisciplinary methodology, and gathers both scholars approaching Law from a positivistic and sociological point of view, and scholars devoted to  abstract studies.
Therefore, the Ph.D deals with matters broadly related to Public Law, especially with respect to the interactions between subjective legal rights, and the governance and functioning of national, international, and supranational social and institutional organizations.
These different topics are addressed throughout the course of the program, with a transversal approach, varying according to the scientific areas herein involved, so as to promoting their mutual enhancement. Moreover, the Ph.D deals with the legal issues raised by several matters mentioned in the VII EU framework programme, such as: economic and social sciences, humanities, health, information and communication technologies, transportation, environmental studies, energy, public security. At the same time, the program faces topics included in the National Research Plan of the Italian Government (e.g. governance and homeland security).
At the same time, in light of the goals mentioned before, in order to promote its interdisciplinary and pluralistic methodology, the Ph.D envisages several forms of interaction with the program in "Law, Human Being, and the Market".
In light of the above, the Ph.D aims at training students capable of using the essential tools for legal researching, as to acquiring a deepened understanding - on the basis of the different curricula - both of abstract and positivistic legal studies, focusing (also in a comparative perspective) on administrative and constitutional law, criminal law and criminal procedure,  civil law, ecclesiastical law and international law.
The program, of course, needs to be implemented in a complex framework - influenced by the social context and the territorial and multicultural equilibriums - which is becoming increasingly challenging, and includes phenomena such as the European integration, the globalization, and communication technologies, which are constantly influencing the society and the various legal systems.
In conclusion, the Ph.D gives the appropriate tools both for a fruitful prosecution of postgraduate studies, and for a cutting edge training suitable for starting a legal profession (e.g. lawyers and officials serving in national and supranational public). Nevertheless, it also provides a retraining for those who are already in the job market, both in the public and private sector.   

The Ph.D candidates will have to:
- Acquire a systematic understanding of Public law, in the broader sense delineated above, and master the methodological trends in order to develop critical analytic skills with respect to the researched topics;
- Show the capability of building up a research project for their Ph.D thesis, and be able to follow and implement it;
- Choose an original topic, so as to providing a contribution suitable for national or international publication;
- Communicate with their peers, and with the broader academic community (for this purpose the candidates will participate to specific seminars in order to present their current progresses).

XXXVI ciclo

Davide Attanasio
Tutores: prof.ssa Alessandra Rossi, prof. Marco Pelissero
Titolo del progetto di ricerca:
La controversa natura della confisca di prevenzione: la ricerca dell'equilibrio tra efficienza e garanzie.

Elena Belliardo
Tutor: prof.ssa Gabriella M. Racca
Titolo del progetto di ricerca: Modelli organizzativi e contrattuali per gli appalti pubblici in una economia circolare.

Giorgio Lorenzo Beltramo
Tutores: prof,ri Paolo Heritier e Valerio Gigliotti. Tutor esterno: prof. Jacques Gilbert (Università di Nantes).
Titolo del progetto di ricerca: Le forme della nomopoiesi.
Logica, retorica ed estetica del testo fondatore. L'esempio della Costituzione.

Liton Chandra Biswas
Tutores prof.ri Patrick Nerhot e Paolo Heritier
Titolo del progetto di ricerca: Prospects of the "Rule of Human Body"in Rationalizing the Laws affecting the Living Human Body.

Andrea Coucourde
Tutores: prof.ri Ugo Mattei e Piercarlo Rossi
Titolo del progetto di ricerca: La funzione sociale della proprietà.

Eugenia Jona
Tutor: prof. Roberto Cavallo Perin
Titolo del progetto di ricerca: I doveri di diritto pubblico dell’imprenditore in situazione emergenziale, l’articolo 41 Costituzione a confronto con l’articolo 836 del Codice civile.

Davide Maddalena
Tutores: prof.sse Paola Vittoria Casana e Anna Maria Poggi
Titolo del progetto di ricerca: Cultura giuridica dei doveri e compressioni delle libertà fondamentali in Italia: aspetti costituzionali.

Chiara Perrone
Tutor: prof. Roberto Cavallo Perin
Titolo del progetto di ricerca:
La ricerca dell'onore perduto: dare disciplina ai cittadini a cui sono affidate funzioni pubbliche, restituendo loro onore, in un sistema caratterizzato dalla deregulation morale della vita pubblica.

Giorgio Sichera
Tutor: prof. Enrico Grosso
Titolo del progetto di ricerca: Libertà e obbligazioni politiche. La crisi della democrazia rappresentativa e la libertà di espressione nell'era di internet.

(XXXV ciclo)

Oscar Calavita
Tutor: prof.ssa Laura Scomparin
Progetto di ricerca: Il ruolo dell'ordine europeo di indagine penale nel processo di armonizzazione della prova nell'Unione europea

Valentina Cavanna
Tutor: prof.ssa Anna Maria Poggi
Progetto di ricerca:
Environment and technological progress: l’esigenza di nuovi principi e di una nuova normativa comunitaria e nazionale per garantire la sostenibilità ambientale

Eleonora Celoria
Tutor: prof.ssa Laura Scomparin
Progetto di ricerca:
La detenzione amministrativa degli stranieri: fondamento normativo nazionale e sovranazionale e analisi comparata della sua attuazione negli Stati europei

Chiara De Robertis
Tutor: prof.ssa Laura Scomparin
Progetto di ricerca:
Fattispecie valutative e strumenti di accertamento nel giudizio sulla pena: analogie, differenze e processi di avvicinamento tra giurisdizione cognitiva e giurisdizione

Sonja Levstik
Tutor: prof.ssa Gabriella M. Racca
Progetto di ricerca: Le reti europee e internazionali per la prevenzione ed il contrasto alla corruzione

Bianca Nalbandian
In cotutela con l’Università del Lussemburgo
Tutores: prof.sse Annamaria Viterbo e Hélène Ruiz Fabri (Università del Lussemburgo)
Titolo del progetto di ricerca: The sovereign shift in International Investment Law.

Giulia Perrone
Tutores: prof. Alberto Oddenino e prof.ssa Ludovica Poli
Progetto di ricerca: Biodiritto e margine di apprezzamento dello Stato nella giurisprudenza delle Corti Europee

Mariella Pittari
Tutor: prof. Pier Giuseppe Monateri
Progetto di ricerca:
Sacrifice and Sovereign: A Comparative Study of Self-defense between Italy and Brazil. Political theology and the concept of sovereignty: a genealogy of western legal

Gloria Sdanganelli
Tutor: prof.ssa Gabriella M. Racca e prof. Carlo Emanuele Gallo
Progetto di ricerca: L’evoluzione delle responsabilità delle amministrazioni pubbliche

(XXXIV ciclo)

Agnella Costanza
Tutor: prof. Claudio Sarzotti
Progetto di ricerca: L’istituzione penitenziaria come strumento di costruzione del soggetto giuridico moderno

Branca Francesca
Tutores: prof. Roberto Cavallo Perin
Progetto di ricerca:
Le concessioni di beni e servizi nella valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale: un’analisi comparata

Calvo Mario
Tutor: prof. Enrico Grosso
Progetto di ricerca:
Cittadinanza e costruzione della “civil society” tra sovranità nazionale e diritto europeo: il caso dello “ius soli”

Capelli Melissa
Tutor: prof. Piercarlo Rossi
Progetto di ricerca: Valutazione di impatto della regolazione e protezione degli assets immateriali nell’ambito dello sviluppo territoriale

Rimma Chichakyan
In cotutela con The Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences (Russia)
Tutores: prof. Ugo Mattei (Unito) e prof. Dmitry Dozhdev (University of MSSES)
Progetto di ricerca: Application of the doctrine of Res judicata to derivative claims

Dimodugno Davide
Tutores: prof.sse Anna Maria Poggi, Gabriella M. Racca e Ilaria Zuanazzi
Progetto di ricerca:
Una categoria speciale di beni culturali, gli edifici di culto: gestione e riuso in una prospettiva comparata

Domaine Sophie
Tutor: prof.ssa Annamaria Viterbo
Progetto di ricerca: Informal international law-making and EU external representation in the environmental field

Gorgerino Francesco
Tutores: prof.ssa Gabriella M. Racca e Anna Maria Poggi
Progetto di ricerca: Maladministration, sprechi e corruzione: nuove strategie per la protezione dei diritti fondamentali

Mosalagae Christina
Tutores: prof.ri Ugo Mattei and Dr. Gustav Muller (Università di Pretoria)
Progetto di ricerca:
Transforming the Cul-de-sac of Trust: An Analysis of Inclusion and Exclusion in respect of Enclosed Properties within the South African Context

Sacchetto Ernestina
Tutores: prof.ssa Serena Quattrocolo, prof.ssa Barbara Lavarini, prof. Francesco Caprioli
Progetto di ricerca:
La doppia anima del dato biometrico e processo penale: dal diritto alla riservatezza alla necessità delle indagini

Vaira Viviana
Contratto in apprendistato con l’ANCI Piemonte
Tutores: prof. Sergio Foà, prof.ssa Gabriella M. Racca
Progetto di ricerca: Sviluppo e promozione delle Smart Cities e delle azioni rivolte al processo di Innovazione nella P.A. locale

(XXXIII ciclo)

Isabella Alberti
Tutores: prof. Roberto Cavallo Perin
Progetto di ricerca: Come gli open data influiscono sull’azione amministrativa e determinano un nuovo status del cittadino. Quali nuovi diritti?

Anna Costantini
Tutores: prof.ri Alessandra Rossi, Marco Pelissero, Francesco Caprioli.
Progetto di ricerca: La confisca nei confronti dell’ente e della persona fisica tra prevenzione e repressione.

Ludovica Deaglio
Tutores: prof.ri Alessandra Rossi, Maurizio Riverditi e Francesco Costamagna. Tutor esterno: prof. Marco Pelissero.
Progetto di ricerca: Rapporti e interferenze tra illecito penale e illecito amministrativo nell’ambito dei corporate crimes: ipotesi per una razionalizzazione in chiave di garanzia dei diritti ed efficienza della tutela sostanziale e processuale.

Mara Demichelis
Tutores: prof.ssa Gabriella M. Racca
Progetto di ricerca:
Strumentazione e pianificazione urbana: stakeholders e diritti al tempo della rigenerazione.

Francesco Lo Bianco
Tutores: prof.ri Ugo Mattei, Alberto Oddenino e Piercarlo Rossi.
Progetto di ricerca: La sovranità monetaria e la sua crisi alla luce dell’emersione del fenomeno delle cripto valute.

Lara Merla
Tutores: prof.ri Ugo Mattei, Alberto Oddenino, Filippo Valguarnera (Università di Göteborg).
Progetto di ricerca: La necessità di nuovi paradigmi giuridici al tempo dei Big Data.

Jellie Molino
Tutores: prof.ri Ugo Mattei, prof.ssa Gabriella M. Racca
Progetto di ricerca: The Role of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) in Promoting Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) for Innnovation Towards Smart Cities.

Gabriella Perotto
Tutores: prof.ri Francesco Costamagna e Annamaria Viterbo
Progetto di ricerca: Diritto dell’Unione Europea e limiti alla potestà fiscale degli Stati membri.

Emeric Prévost
In cotutela con l’Università di Strasburgo
Tutores: prof.ri Alberto Oddenino e Caroline Kleiner
Progetto di ricerca: La disintermediazione finanziaria e monetaria nelle relazioni private internazionali e le sue ripercussioni sui metodi del diritto internazionale privato.

Martino Reviglio Della Veneria
Tutores: prof.ri Ugo Mattei e Alberto Oddenino
Progetto di ricerca: The Central Mediterranean Sea between Exclusion and Inclusion: Borders, Territory and Human Rights

Chiara Spada
Tutor: prof. Roberto Cavallo Perin
Progetto di ricerca: I contratti pubblici per la ricerca scientifica.

(XXXII ciclo)

Andrea Bosio
In cotutela con l’Università di Francoforte
Tutores: prof.ri Enrico Grosso, Sergio Dellavalle e Matthias Gold-mann (Università di Francoforte)
Progetto di ricerca:
Elementi di diritto dialogico.

Nicoletta Scattone
Tutor: prof.ssa Gabriella M. Racca
Progetto di ricerca:
Giustizia amministrativa e giudice amministrativo: i percorsi interpretativi a fronte della regolamentazione positiva.

 Visit the  Admission and Enrollments page inside the Torino University site

The PhD candidate must achieve 60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) per year and 180 ECTS over the three-year PhD period. ECTS can be achieved by attending lectures, seminars and conferences organized by the PhD Program or by participating in external training events relevant for the research project and agreed with the supervisor.
Starting from the academic year 2019/20 lessons will be structured into courses. Information on courses, seminars and conferences is published on Google Calendar.
The choice of the courses to be attended must be consistent with one's own scientific disciplinary sector and one's research projects and agreed with the supervisor.
The organized courses and seminars aim to develop active discussions on the most innovative scientific research profiles of the reference sectors in relation to the recent profound changes.
Topics such as the relation between law and the new technologies (big data analysis, artificial intelligence, smart cities, predictive justice), the epistemology of legal science, justice and disability law and the new profiles in law and in the criminal trial will be analyzed in detail.
Each two-hour module is equivalent to 1 ECTS.
Course attendance is certified by a signature sheet available in the classroom. Participation to external events requires the presentation of an attendance certificate. If this cannot be produced, a supervisor declaration is required.
Starting from the XXXV cycle, it is compulsory to spent at least six months aboard (not necessarily consecutive).
Similarly to the provisions set for professors and researchers of the University of Turin, the PhD candidates must insert the data of their publications in the Iris-AperTO program in order to fulfill the evaluation obligations of the PhD Program:

The PhD Program in Law and Institutions provides for the acquisition of 180 CFU (1 CFU: 2 h lecture or seminar) during the three-year period and is divided into:
1st year
30 CFU of research activities
25 CFU of disciplinary and interdisciplinary training activities
5 CFU of complementary educational activity to the research

2nd year
40 CFU of research activities
15 CFU of disciplinary and interdisciplinary training activities
5 CFU of complementary educational activity to the research

3rd year
55 CFU of research activities for thesis preparation
5 CFU of disciplinary and interdisciplinary training activity

Macro-theme for the XXXVI cycle: “Duties and Rights in Legal Culture”
The 1948 Italian Constitution,with the laws that implement it within the legal framework (constitutional, civil, criminal, commercial, administrative and labor law fields), has established a legal order that functionally aims at the implementation of fundamental rights and freedom as well as the fulfillment of related duties. This, in turn, reflects and substantiates the idea of a new society, which cuts off with the past and projects itself toward the future.
From a constitutional perspective, the complex of public and private laws builds up a new legal order that focuses on personalism, which defines the relationships between the State and its citizens, and among the citizens. In order to further promote democracy by increasing the active participation of all political, economic and social stakeholders, there is an urgent and necessary need to acknowledge the complementary role of rights and duties as a sign of ‘a common personalist inspiration’. Accordingly, individuals, who come into contact with other persons or with the subjects of social and institutional pluralism, accept the limitations of some of their rights for the realization of the rights of the whole community, albeit, the presence of constraints arising from public duties or directives from the authority.
In 1984, Paolo Barile, on his study on human rights and fundamental freedoms in modern democracy, emphasized a most interesting elaboration of the Italian doctrine in all fields of legal knowledge by retracing the theme of their development in all social relations from the effectivity of the Republican Constitution. He started from the assumption that there were no general principles that applied in every age and everywhere, and looked at the literature on various means on how the Constitution has resolved conflicts in political and economic-social relations. Interestingly, his study showed that traditionally, both negative and social positive constitutional freedom represented an expression of an identical design to trace a new one, and, it was constantly evolving – from the recognition of the problems towards the development of prospects for future evolution.
Many changes have evolved since the 1980s. Freedom became more complex. It has acquired new profiles and raises further (or confirms old) problems concerning personal freedom, including the need to reconcile freedom of communication, confidentiality and the right to oblivion. This leads us to consider the importance of “freedom of conscience” in a plurality of sectors such as the protection of health in its various meanings. The freedom to invest in economic sphere, i.e., work, business, property, contract, economic regulation, assumes the presence of an essential role for national and international relations. The same consideration applies to constitutional duties to promote political, economic and social solidarity.
This is the result of an evolutionary interpretation of the Constitution, which shall be further investigated – both in the field of public and private law – by taking into account the growing relevance of international norms for the protection of human rights, with particular attention to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) of 1966. In this context, the European Charter of Fundamental Rights, as interpreted by the European Court of Justice and other national courts, plays an increasingly important role for the development of a uniform European private law based on critical comparison of the legal systems.
The PhD in Law and Institutions aims to encourage research activities on the study of the main principles, rights and duties contained in the first part of the Constitution and their impact on all areas of law. The research focuses (in its purposes and investigation methodologies) on the above-mentioned doctrinal approach by analyzing its considerations and developments in the light of the changes that occurred both at the national and supranational levels.
In this perspective, in addition to the constitutional jurisprudence from 1980s on, particular attention and consideration must be given to the overbearing development of the legitimacy of (ordinary and administrative) jurisprudence and its relationship with the European Court of Human Rights and the EU Court of Justice. In addition, due to the multidisciplinary nature of the PhD, the project involves all the cited scientific sectors. This is in order to enhance the different skills of the candidates, and, to critically represent how such general and constitutional principles - which appear to be fundamental determinants - have been interpreted and applied over time.
In a philosophical-juridical, theoretical and comparative perspective, the study of evolutionary constitutional interpretation includes an analysis of all forms of innovations arising from globalization while evaluating the essential theoretical and historical links between equality, freedom and dignity. The research shall investigate the transformation of complex forms of legal-political-economic interactions and the persistence of an evolving “grounding text”.
Candidates are invited to propose a three years research project on the developments of one (or more) of the constitutional duties or rights as proposed above.

Deadlines for sending the annual report

XXXVI cycle
End of the first year: 30 September 2021
Deadline for sending the annual report: 15 September 2021
XXXV cycle
End of the second year: 31 October 2021
Deadline for sending the annual report: 15 October 2021
XXXIV cycle
End of the third year: 30 September 2021, except for extensions by the legislator.
Deadline for sending the annual report: 15 November 2021.

XXXIII cycle
Thesis submission deadline: 31 July or 1 September 2021 depending on the duration of the extension.

On the recommendation of the Coordinator and in compliance with the indications of the Doctoral School, the doctoral students of the XXXVI, XXXV and XXXIV cycles are invited to send by 25 June 2021 to a draft of the annual report on the educational activities and research carried out till June 25 and approved by the Tutors during the2020/2021 academic year. The draft will illustrate the research activities carried out for the doctoral thesis and specify the training activities carried out and agreed with your Tutor for the purpose of credit recognition.

Please note that 2 hours of lectures / conferences / seminars / webinars correspond to 1 CFU.

In accordance with the provisions of the Doctoral School Council (February 17, 2020), the draft reports will be presented online to the Faculty Board in the presence of your Tutor by June 30 (non-peremptory deadline: it can be postponed to mid-July) in a date that will be agreed.

The final report must be submitted at the end of September or the end of October depending on when you started, subject to the possible granting of extensions (*).

Below you have the training program, in accordance with the guidelines of the Didactic Commission of the Doctoral School:

The training program of the Doctoral Course in Rights and Institutions provides for the acquisition of 180 ECTS in the three-year period and 60 ECTS per year (1 ECTS equivalent to 2 hours of training) and is divided into:

1st year
30 CFU of research activities
25 CFU of disciplinary and interdisciplinary training activities
5 CFU of training activities complementary to research

2nd year
40 CFU of research activities
15 CFU of disciplinary and interdisciplinary training activities
5 CFU of training activities complementary to research

3rd year
55 CFU research activities for the preparation of the thesis
5 CFU of training activities complementary to research

(*) Art. 33 of the legislative decree 22 March 2021, n. 41, converted into law 21 May 2021, n. 69

2-bis. In order to allow a timely and effective rescheduling of research activities and to guarantee the right quality and maturity of the related projects, suspended as a result of the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19, the PhD students holding scholarships pursuant to regulation referred to in the decree of the Minister of Education, University and Research February 8, 2013, n. 45, and of article 4 of the law of 3 July 1998, n. 210, may apply for an extension, not exceeding three months, of the final term of the course, with consequent disbursement of the scholarship for the corresponding period.

2-ter. The extension referred to in paragraph 2-bis can also be used by doctoral students who are not recipients of a scholarship, as well as public employees on leave to attend a PhD program. In the latter case, it is up to the public administration to which they belong to extend the leave for a period equal to that of the extension of the PhD program.

Following the explanatory note of 29 July 2021 sent to the universities, the Ministry confirmed the possibility provided for by the Law of 22 May 2021 for doctoral students enrolled in doctoral courses on the date of entry into force of law no. 69/2021 (May 22, 2021), regardless of the relevant cycle, to request an extension of the final term of the course, for no more than 3 months, with consequent maintenance, in the cases provided, of the scholarship for the corresponding period.
Therefore, taking these indications into account, doctoral students and doctoral students enrolled in doctoral courses on the date of entry into force of law no. 69/2021 (May 22, 2021), regardless of the cycle they belong to, and who have not made a previous request for an extension provided for by Law 69/2021 (deadline for requests 4 August 2021), can apply for an extension by filling in the following FORM by and no later than Tuesday 28 September 2021.
Applications must be duly motivated by proven delays caused by the COVID-19 health emergency and will be sent to the Coordinators and Coordinators of the Doctoral Programs for the appropriate validations.
Approved applications may benefit from the extension of the duration of the PhD course up to a maximum of three months and, in the case of PhD students and PhD students, the monthly scholarship (s) at the ministerial amount.

Dott. ssa Stefania Carena

Tel.: +39.011.670.6929

Fax: +39.011.670.9477


Department of Law - Campus Luigi Einaudi
University of Turin
Room 4, building D1 - 2° floor
Lungo Dora Siena 100/A
10153 Torino

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University of Turin
Lungo Dora Siena 100/A
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Ultimo aggiornamento: 27/09/2021 10:03
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